20 years of success
Click here to visualize all the posters from 20 years of the International Convention of administration.
- On June 15th ,1988, during the Quality Era, at the large hall of UEPG the ?1st occurred the ?I Quality control meeting?, aiming at getting the students from the administration course aware about the ideias that were revolutioning the world in the 80?s. The event was an initiative taken by Professor Sérgio Escorsim, bearer of the production administration subject, and congregated partners from Administration department (DEADM/UEPG) and Comercial and Industrial association of Ponta Grossa (ACIPG), the main topic was: ?Circle of quality control?, with Telepar participation. The event was acclaimed by more than 600 people and was a success.
- Motivated for the enthusiasm about the idea of in congregate the same place, students from Administration, businessmen, employees and liberal professionals, the partners DEADM/UEPG e ACIPG joined to the Institution of Regional Control of FIEP and they had carried through, on September 24, 1988, the ?2nd Quality Control Meeting?, Dr. Getulio Apolinario Ferreira, from the industry Siderurgica Tubarão., and author of ?Total quality strategies? was present. The theme was ? Defect zero?.
- On June 09, 1989, the ?3rd Quality Control Meeting?occurred, with the theme ?Philosophic and Methodological View of the Circles of Quality Control?, presented by Dr. Faustino Vicente, president of the Anhanguera Association of quality control, at that time.
- With the success of the three previous Quality Meeting and the new scenery of the globalization, demanding of the companies a operating management, with total quality and valuation of the human resources, the 3 partners UEPG, ACIPG and FIEP, continued to make the integration process between University/Companies they decided to make a new and bigger event. On the coordination of the Professor Norma Maria Egg, head of the Administration Department, Professor Sérgio Escorsim (UEPG/ACIPG), Alcy Antonio Marochi (ACIPG) and the Dr. Luiz Gonzaga Pinto (FIEP), was done the ?1st Circle of Lectures and VI Quality and Productivity Meeting?. Due to the size of the event, it was necessary set it in another place, the Princesa dos Campos Club. This event occurred from September 19th to 22nd 1989, and the main lecturer was the businessman Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, Votorantim Group President and the biggest chairman of Brasil. New and absolut success was recorded, 1500 were present in the event.
- On May, 12th November 1990, supported by the results, was created the ? Brasilian Quality and Productiovity Program? by the Federal Government. The partners DEADM/UEPG, ACIPG E FIEP,officially released, at the ACIPG headquarters, with more than 200 people, the ? Ponta Grossa?s Quality and Productivity program - PPQP? considered as ?5th Quality and Productivity meeting.?. The PPQP, under the Professor Sergio Escorsim coordination, aimed at spreading, motivating and training the students and people who were related to the business about the new requirements of the world market. Between 1990 and 1993, Professor Nadir Laidane took the leading of the department of Administration, and restated the commitment of continuing the events. Between, October 16th and 18th, 1991, we had the ?2nd Cicle of Administration Lectures and VI Quality Control Meeting?, both of them were set on the Large Hall of UEPG. The organizers were: Nadir Laidane, Sergio Escorsim, Alcy Marochi d Dr. Luiz Gonzaga Pinto.
- The? 3rd Administration Lectures Cicle and VII Quality Control Meeting? was between September 08th and 11th , 1992, firstly thought to be hold on the Large Hall of UEPG, but later transferred to Princesa dos Campos Club, because of the amount of people interested in the event. The theme was ?The brasilian technologic delay and the Solution for the 90?s decade? and the lectures were Jaime Lerner, city mayor of Curitiba, at that time and Sérgio Prosdócimo, Umuarama Administration and Participation President. The organizers were: Nadir Laidane, Sergio Escorsim, Alcy Marochi, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Calixto Ajuz and Luiz Gonzaga Pinto.
- The ?4th Administration Lectures Cicle and VIII Quality Control Meeting? was on the Princesa dos campos Club, on October 18th to 22nd, 1993, with the appearance of the Senator Espiridiao Amin, among others great names of Administration. The organizers were: Nadir Laidane, Departament of Administration Chief; Sergio Escorsim, Renato Napoli, Laerte Bittencourt, Jane Villaca and José Airton Rodrigues.
- On October 17th to 21th, 1994, was the ?5th Administration Lectures Cicle and IX Quality Control Meeting?. Couting on a increasing success, the 5th Cicle brought the Professor Gilberto Serpa Griebeler, Regional Council of Administration President and Moacyr Sens, Superintendent of Weg S.A. and other great names in the area. The organizers were Professor Pedro Rosen da Silva, Administration Department of UEPG a the time, Sergio Escorsim, Renato Napoli, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca and José Airton Rodrigues da Luz, the Administration students center, and ADECCON ? Junior Company.
- The ?6th Cicle of Administration Lecture and the X Productivity and Quality Meeting? occurred from October 23rd to 27th, 1995, at the Princesa dos Campos Club, featuring Professor Humberto Stadler ? UEPG Administration Department, as one of the lecturers of the event. The organizers were: Pedro Roseni da Silva, Administration Department Head; Sergio Escorsim, Renato Napoli, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca, José Airton Rodrigues, Administration academic center and ADECCON ? Junior Company.
- The ? 7th Cicle of Administration Lecture and XI Productivity and Quality Meeting? occured on September 9th to 13th , 1996, and the lectures of the ex-minister Dorothéa Werneck stood out. At that time, she was a consultant of the Caribbean and South America Economic Committee, and the topic approached was ?Next Challenges post total quality?. Professor Marilisa do Rocio Oliveira was the Head of Administration Department. Sérgio Escorsim, Renato Napoli, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca, José Airton Rodrigues and the administration academic center . The place chosen to the event was Princesa dos Campos Club.
- The ?8th Cicle of Administration Lectures and XII Productivity and Quality Meeting? occurred on September, 08 to 12, 1997, at the Princesa dos Campos Club. The main point was the show/lecture by the magician Clóvis Tavares (Karl Waiwensser), Rafael Grecca and the Lanteri Group, presenting the play ? Do not run away, the customer is coming?. The event was organized by Marilisia do Rocio Oliveira, Sérgio Escorsim, Renato Napoli, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca, administration academic center, and ADECCON Junior Company.
- The ?9th Cicle of Administration Lectures and XIII Quality and Productivity Meeting?, occurred from Semptember 08th to 11th, 1998, at the Princesa dos Campos Club, the most important lecturers were Lair Ribeiro, considered as the ?Pope? of neuro-linguistics and author of many best-sellers, Dulce Magalhães, the maestro Raul Marinuzzi and the show/lecture of Carlos Hilsdorf. Organizers: Marilisia do Rocio Oliveira, Sérgio Escorsim, Douglas Taques Fonseca, Laerte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca, the administration academic center and ADECCON Junior Company.
- On 1999, 10 years Anniversary of the Biggest Event on the South of Brazil: ?10th Cicle of Administration Lectures and XIV Productivity and Quality Meeting?.The main lecturers were Waldez Luiz Ludwig and João Roberto Gretz. They were her on August 02 to September 02, 1999. This event closed the Pontagrossense Quality and Productivity Program, accomplishing the objectives as spreading the quality and productivity ideas to the Administration students and businessmen from the Campos Gerais area. This program was coordinated by the professor Sergio Escorsim for 10 years. The organizers were: Marilisia do Rocio Oliveira, Sergio Escorsim, Douglas Taques Fonseca, César Tozetto, Larte Bittencourt Filho, Jane Villaca, Ana Cláudia Gambassi, administration academic center and ADECCON Junior Company.
- The ?11th Cicle of Administration Lectures? occured on September 19th to 22nd, 2000. On this year, professor Silas Guimarães Moro was the head of the Administration Department, and the main lecturer was Reinold Stephanes, President of Banestado and ex-minister of providence. The event organizers were: Silas Guimarães Moro, Sérgio Escorsim, Douglas Taques Fonseca e Laerte Bittencourt Filho.
- The ? 12th Cicle of Administration Lectures? occurred on September 03rd to 06th, 2001, at the Princesa dos Campos Club, and great names of the nacional relevance were present, such as Max Gehringer, who talked about the ?Corporative Comedy? and Clemente Nobrega, with the theme ??Strategy, Marketing and innovation?. The organizers were: Silas Guimarães Moro, Sérgio Escorsim, Laerte Bittencourt Filho and Douglas Taques Fonseca.
- The ?13th Cicle of Administration Lectures? occurred on September 09th to 12th, 2002, at the Guaira Club, and the main lecturer was Luiz Fernando Levy, President of Gazeta Mercantil, and he talked about the ?Perspectives to Brazil until 2005?. The organizers were: Silas Guimarães Moro, Sérgio Escorsim, Laerte Bittencourt Filho and Renato Napoli.
- On 2003, the Cicle of Administration Lectures, changed its name to ?Administration Forum? and received the acronym ?ADM 2003?. It occurred on September 08th to 12th, 2003, at the Conventions Center of the Palladium Shopping Mall in Ponta Grossa, and a new layout was given to the event. A Manager Group were created to lead the event, formed by the universities and colleges of Ponta Grossa. It was lead by Professor Sergio Escorsim, Head of the Administration Department, at that time. The new partners were: DEADM/UEPG, ACIPG, FIEP, CEFET, CENE, CESCAGE, CRA, UNIAO and SECAL. Among the lecturers, the most important were Arnaldo Jabor, politics commentator of the Rede Globo and Rui Otavio B. de Andrade, Federal Administration Council President. Manager Group: Sergio Escorsim, Marilisa do Rocio Oliveira, Lauro Padilha, Laerrte Biottencourt Filho, Claudio Chornobai, Carla Salata, Taciana Cordazzo, Isaura Andrade, Rubia Andrade, Monalisa Rodrigues, Antonio Carlos Francisco and Luiz Mauricio Resende.
- With the huge success of the Administration Forum, the Manager Group took the decision to change the event name to ? Internacional Convention of Administration? ADM 2004, with scientific works. The thematic areas were Technology Management, Talents Management and Ability Management. ADM 2004 occurred on September 23rd to 25th, 2004, at the Events Center of Ponta Grossa, and there were more than 2000 people. The organizers were: DEAM/UEPG, ACIPG/CENE, FIEP, CEFET, CESCAGEM CRA, UNIAO e SECAL, and the Manager group were lead by the professor Isaura Andrade and the following members: Sérgio Escorsim, Marilisa do Rocio Oliveira, Lauro Padilha, Laerte Bittencourt, Sirlei Gravonski of ACIPG, César Chornobai, Antonio Carlos de Francisco, Rubia Andrade, Monalisa Rodrigues and Luiz Mauricio de Resende.
- On 2005, the Administration Convention received the CAPES qualification as ? C International?. The public asked and the event returned to the Conventions Center of the Palladium Shopping Mall, and the ADM 2005 occurred from September 26th to 29th, 2005, and the producers were DEADM/UEPG, ACIPG/CENE , CRA and UTFPR. The event occurred together with the ?COMEXSUL ? 4th South Brasilian Convention of Exterior Commerce?. The theme of the Convention was ?Strategic Management towards competitivity? and the most important lecturer among others, was Gustavo Loyola, ex-president of Central Bank. The Convention was lead by Professor Marilisa do Rocio Oliveira, supported by the members of the Manager group: Sérgio Escorsim, Lauro Padilha, Laerte Bittencourt Filhom Ivanilde Scussiatto Eyng, Taciana Cordazzo, Antonio Carlos de Francisco, Sirlei Gravonski anf the Administration academic center from Jaguariaiva.
- From September 19th to 22nd , 2006, occurred at the Convention Center of the Palladium Shopping Mall the ?ADM 2006 ? International Convention of Administration?. The 19th edition of the event took part in the history of Ponta Grossa, amplifying its level over the country and abroad. Considered by the lecturers that were there, as the biggest event of this kind in Brazil, with an average of people present of 1800/day. The theme for the works was ?Strategic Management for competitiveness?. On 10 areas proposed by the event, 329 scientific works were enrolled, and 171 were chosen for the oral presentation at the State University of Ponta Grossa Campus. Participants from several places were presenting their researches. The book ?Strategic Management to Competitivity? was released on this event, featuring the 20 best works, two from each area. The most important lecturer was Waldez Luiz Ludwig, who declared to be astonished with the size of the event :? One of the biggest in Brasil?.
- The ADM 2006 President was Professor Marilisa do Rocio Oliveira. The producers were DEADM/UEPG, ACIPG/CENE, FIEP, UTFPR ? PPGEP, CRA, Araucária Foundation and ADECCON Junior Company. The members of the Manager group were: Sérgio Escorsim, Laerte Bittecourt Filho, Lauro Padilha, Ivanilde Scussiatto Eyng, Antonio Carlos de Francisco, Casturina Jaira da Silva, Regina Negri Pagani, PatrÃcia Guarnieri, Thiago Rodrigo Costa, Louisi Francis Moura, Gabriel Matheus de Jesus Staullbaun and Sirlei Gravonski.
- On 2007 ? in commemoration of the 20 years of the event. From September 17 to 21, 2007, at the Convention Center of the Palladium Shopping Mall, there will be the ?ADM 2007 Internacional Convention of Administration?. The main theme of the Convention is ?Strategic Management to sustainable development?, the most important theme on these days. The Management group to 2007 will be: Marilisia do Rocio Oliveira, Sérgio Escorsim, Laerte Bitencourt Filho, Lauro Padilha, Ivanilde Scussiatto Eyng, Antonio Carlos de Francisco, PatrÃcia Guarnieri, Nelma Terezinha Zubek Valente, Rosa Stefaniak, Louisi Francis Moura, Gabriel Matheus de Jesus Staullbaun, Jaqueline Fonseca Rodrigues, Marco Aurélio Florêncio and Luciane Samoroski.
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