ADM 2008
ADM 2008

| Thematical Areas

1. Commerce and International Businesses Top

Internationalization of companies, choice of external markets and ways of entrance. Formation and management of international strategical alliances, merger and over bounds acquisitions operations of multinationals and subsidiary companies. Impacts of the economic globalization in the Brazilian organizations, particularly the foreign capital in the country and the companies. Governing in the level of the company and its impacts in the organizations. Study of the Brazilian management on its interface with the style of management of other countries (cross-cultural management).

2. Education and Research in Administration Top

The research in administration as science in the generation of knowledge for understanding the paradigms presents in the administration in clear and including way. The constitution of the knowledge about administration in Brazil; methodological and epistemological aspects of the research in administration, in general way; questions of method and strategy of implementation when different sub-areas of knowledge in administration are considered. Curricular pluralism and diversity of designs: academic and professional alternatives; the innovations in education and the learning in administration; the critical ways of the professor and the new profiles of the administration students; the management of the knowledge in education institutions. Besides involving research directed to the areas of the graduation education; after graduation education, research and extension.

3. Finances and corporative Governing Top

Financial market and investment collection management; management of risks, derivatives and real options management of financial institutions; international finances; public finances and finances of companies, including diverse sub-areas as: financial evaluation of projects and companies; evaluation of enterprise risks; financing of companies and its structure and cost of capitals; management of turn capital; cooperative governing and theory of the agents. Other topics special are admitted as safe, providence, mannering finances, numerical and econometrical methods in finances, personal finances and regular and legal aspects.

4. Management of the Information and the Technology Top

It involves the managemental systems of information; systems of support to the decision; planning of information systems (conception, development, implantation and evaluation of information systems); strategical administration of the information (electronic commerce; integrated systems; ERP, virtual organizations, InterNet, Intranet...) and other contributions in the bounds og the technology of the information and the impacts of its adoption in the scope of the organizations, privileging works that looking to legalize the application or field of study its implications and its impacts in the people and organizations.

Technology: contributions for the knowledge of the problems related with the technology management and drawing of solutions in the organizations, aspects that involve the dynamics of the technological innovation, the technological prospection, technological projects, the technological impacts and risks, among others.

Management of technology in the perspective of the productive sector and public administration of the politics and institutions of technology, without excluding the increasing concern with the public-private interaction.

The Technological Management has, still, the intention to promote the increase of the competitiveness of the producing companies of goods and services in the Country, from the improvement of the performance of the research instincts as agents of the process of technological management, for the reason they are being lead actions of three distinct natures, to know: the organization of information; qualification and consulter.

5. Management of the Production Top

It contemplates the subjects related to the productive organizations, as the administration of the production in the industrial systems, as well as the aspects that involve "production" of services, they are they given by typical companies of services or same for industrial companies whom they see in the service associated with the products that manufacture a competitive element.

Of this form the production systems are enclosed, the processes of manufacture, planning and control of the production, automation, the management of maintenance, the agro-industrial management, the Administrative organization of the work and the methods and systems.

It also contemplates the internal and external logistic aspects of the companies and what they have made for the adoption of the concept of Supply Chain Management, beyond: administration of projects, strategies of production, among others.

6. Management of People Top

Researches that deals about talents management and work relations on organizational and business environment, on the work market, internal dimension of the organizations. It involves subjects related to the systemic approach of the management of talents and its subsystems; holistic boarding of management of talents in the society of the knowledge, beyond the management of talents in the organizations having as reference the importance of the people and its integration, involving subjects related to the human and intellectual capital, as the skills and abilities, leadership, power (power-empowerment) and conflict, motivation, development of teams, individual and organizational learning, creativity and innovation among others, used in the development of people and organizations in the modern world.

7. Management of Innovation and knowledge Top

Studies that deal with: sharing of best the practical; of the development of knowledge and databases; of the creation of knowledge centers; of the use of collaboration technologies (intranets, groupware); of the creation of knowledge teams; of the teams of intellectual capital, identification and auditorship of intangible goods. The practical of management of the knowledge is contained in general at the small gestures and positions, incorporated to the organizational culture, incrusted in practical and the managemental positions.

Knowledge that involves the sharing of the information (use of TI); Sharing of the Knowledge (base K) and Sharing of the wisdom (collective and auto-adaptative capacity - human side). Transference and the sharing of the existing knowledge in the organizations. Knowledge that can be explicit, in the form of documents, reports, manuals of functioning or implementation, or the tacit knowledge that is in the head of the people. Information and the experiences as it is distributed or accessed changing itself into knowledge to improve competitive advantages and to generate new knowledge, supported or not by the new technologies.

Innovation: the search for the innovation goes beyond methodologies, techniques and tools. Positions, attitudes and organizational actions must be involved, so the innovation is continuous. It involves the innovation in the processes, products or services and its contribution to the economic and social development of the country; challenges imposed by the advance of the knowledge and the high competitiveness in an economy of increasing interdependence.

It also involves the incentive programs; foment to the creativity; the experimentation, the error and the punishment; distribution of the profits generated for the innovation; interaction with customers and suppliers; work in team and on net; continuous improvement; internal and external communication; organizational structure; Investments in P&D; government securities; tax incentives; cooperation with university and Institutes; intellectual and industrial property; among others.

8. Strategic Management on Organizations and Enterprisement Top

It adds research that involves topics of the strategical management in the organizations, among them: the strategical planning; the industrial organization; nets of companies; content and strategical process; formularization, implementation and evaluation of strategies; strategy, environment and competitiveness; relations and impact of the strategy on processes and dimensions of the organization, among them structure, the technology, the culture and the leadership. Besides the dissemination, use and the sharing of the knowledge as a competitive advantage.

It involves the diverse subjects related to the enterprisement, the enterprising behavior of people, groups and organizations. The covered topics include the role of the risk capital and other sources of capital in different social, cultural and economic environments; the leading structure in small and medium companies and its impact in the growth and development of the organizations. It involves the role that the businessman does in private and public organizations, as well as of the third sector and in the society as a whole; and its relation with the economic development of sectors, organizations and companies in different cultures.

9. Integrated Management (Quality, environment and social) Top

The System of Integrated Management involves the Quality Management, of the environment and the social management.

It involves the system of quality management that is very powerful management tool, available to reach the levels of competitiveness desired and through obtaining and the demonstration of the quality in the goods production and installment of services.

In the environment it involves the ecological environment, including topics as ambient management, ambient policies, residues management and other aspects. The social management involves topics as the social responsibility of the companies, corporative and business citizenship, business philanthropy, stakeholders management and corporative social performance; the ethical environment, that includes topics as codes of corporative ethics, corporative crime, individual ethical behavior, the influence of the organizations in the ethical behavior, ethical implications of the technological innovation, evaluation of personal values and corporative culture.

10. Marketing Top

It deals with the relations of the organizations with its market of performance, making profit or not. It involves works related to subjects, such as: behavior of the consumer; consumption analysis; market segmentation; market research; development of new products; composed by products and services; distribution and logistic advertisement; advertising; sales promotion; public relations "Merchandising"; the organization of "Marketing"; e-marketing; endomarketing; retail marketing; marketing of services; cultural marketing; relationship marketing; social marketing; sports marketing; market segmentation; customer?s satisfaction; marketing metrics; industrial strategical marketing and advanced techniques of analysis of data.

Qualis C Internacional

3º Encontro de Engenharia e Tecnologia dos Campos Gerais

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